How To Handle Bad Contractors

  Working with contractors can be a great way to get projects done efficiently and with expertise. However, not all contractors are created equal and sometimes you may find yourself dealing with a bad one. This can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to handle these situations effectively.   Identify Signs of…

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Spring Cleaning 2024

  For homeowners, landlords, and tenants alike, the arrival of spring is synonymous with renewal. It’s a time-honored tradition to fling open the windows, roll up our sleeves, and revitalize our living spaces after the long, dreary winter months. But as we march into 2024, the theme of rejuvenation is taking on new significance. Today,…

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Essential Property Maintenance Services for Landlords

property maintenance services for landlords

Being a successful landlord requires wearing many talents: from advertising and marketing your rental property, finding and screening tenants, taking care of the finances and paperwork, and more importantly, keeping the property in a good livable condition. Doing preventative maintenance and emergency repairs is part of the job description. After all, you want to take…

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